In the wonderland of Sogn and Fjordane!

After passing between the ice blocks in Nigardsbreen, I headed a few miles further north to what is occasionally referred to as an outdoor mecca. At the end of the long Nordfjorden you will find the municipality of Stryn, a municipality that offers everything from majestic mountains to magnificent meadows and lush fields. The scenic area opens up for a wide range of outdoor activities and as an adventurer, the experiences were endless.

As I approached Tvinnefossen, the waterfall suddenly filled the soundscape with a rumbling noise as it sprayed the surroundings with tiny drops of water rushing down towards the ground.
It's strange what you get time for in a week if you are only open to a tight program. And a tight program is a good idea if you travel to Stryn, because the area offers just as spectacular trips by land as by water. Steep mountain sides that plunge into both the fjord and the lake give nature a dramatic expression that nevertheless appears calm and balanced as a result of the lush, grassy meadows that are reflected in stagnant water.
The options are many when you come to Stryn and it can be difficult to decide on some activities based on the wide range of outdoor activities that the area offers. Still, I want to highlight what I think are the three most wonderful experiences from Stryn.

With a climbing harness, helmet and gloves, this climbing route is an exciting experience. Here, most people get to challenge themselves and that with a beautiful view of Loen in the back.
The 1011 meter high mountain peak Hoven offers first-class views of the fjord and mountains, and has become a much-visited mountain peak in Stryn. There are two things in particular that lead to heavy traffic up Hoven. The first is new and takes 5 minutes from the fjord to the mountains. I'm naturally talking about Loen Skylift, which a few weeks ago carried its first tourists to the top. For us a little more adventurous, the Via Ferrata route is a much more tempting way to climb the popular mountain top!
On the way up the mountainside, you secure yourself with the help of a fixed wire and two slings with carabiner hooks attached to a climbing harness. The degree of difficulty varies from lot to lot and when you reach 760 masl you reach Gjølmunnebrua - the longest Via Ferrata bridge in Europe. The bridge takes you over the 160 meter deep gorge and is as long as 120 meters. Just crossing the bridge itself is an exciting experience!

Gjølmunnebrua in the sun and offered extra excitement due to strong winds!
Loen Active offers guided tours of Via Ferrata Loen. This is an exciting mountain trip that is worth taking!

Loenvatn vacation center is beautifully located by the water's edge and happily rents out kayaks. Paddling in such nature is truly a super experience!
Surrounded by steep mountain sides and blue glacier arms lies Lovatnet. The green water is idyllically situated and is a bit of a postcard motif. Along the water's edge, the flowering was in full swing and I thought to myself that it should be difficult to get more national romantic surroundings than the ones I paddled around in.
There is something incredibly relaxing about kayaking. You find peace and when the conditions are good you can move quickly and silently while enjoying the nature around you. From Loenvatn vacation center it did not take many paddles until I felt I was in the middle of wild and beautiful nature.
To the sound of waterfalls and trickling streams, I paddled with Stine Eikenes and Helene Støve Otterdal from Stryn.

With course towards Ramnefjellet.
Paddling in Lovatnet is a scenic experience at the same time as it is strong to think about the two landslide accidents that together have taken more than a hundred lives. In 1905 and 1936, large masses of rock fell from Ramnefjellet into Lovatnet and created enormous tidal waves. In 1936, the tidal wave was 70 meters high and destroyed everything it encountered on its way. I can not even imagine the size and power of the wave.
The hiking opportunities in the Stryn area are good and it was really difficult to choose just one peak among all the snow-capped peaks with a nice view. The choice ultimately fell on Skåla, following many recommendations from followers on Instagram. And Skåla finally delivered the goods!

Arrival at Skålatårnet.
Because it did not start as well as it ended. When we arrived at the top, the fog was dense around the 1848 meter high mountain top. It was raining in the air and the GPS was used diligently to make sure we did not move out on the scary shovel that lurks down the cliff at the top.
Dr. Klouman believed that fresh mountain air would have positive effects on tuberculosis patients and built in 1891 this spectacular tower. Kloumanstårnet, also called Skålatårnet, has for many years been a tourist cabin for adventurous people and was in 2011 named Norway's most original tourist cabin. The old building is today relieved by the new tourist cabin, Skålabu, which opened last year.

Skålatårnet is open to guests.

Skålabu is a self-catering cottage that is open all year round. A stylish cabin on an incredibly beautiful mountain!
When the fog finally lifted, we got to see the fantastic view the mountain could offer. With a view of countless mountain peaks, fjords, glaciers, not to forget the green Lovatnet, Skåla was a really spectacular mountain peak that I would highly recommend!For a view towards Jostedalsbreen!

If you are lucky with the weather, you get a first-class view on the way to Skåla.

ith sun and heat, the trip is the goal and you should take plenty of time to enjoy the beautiful landscape.
You are guaranteed to find nice tent sites, but if you want to put the finishing touches, you should dedicate an overnight stay or two to the dome at Horndøla Bru. It has been a long time since I have slept as well as I did at Horndøla camping and it was especially beautiful to go to bed at night and look straight up at the dark sky. It almost felt like sleeping in the open air, but in a warm room and in a proper bed. Recommended!

A great office and an even better bedroom.